As a typical type A entrepreneur who tends to find himself mentally strung out and wanting everything to happen now and continuously, peace and patience are both very elusive traits for me. Because of this I have searched for a long time to find a way to overcome their absence. This is where I cultivated the term Peatience, which is the act of developing a sense of overall inner peace while remaining patient when you are anxious and overwhelmed. Being driven and curious can sometimes be a downfall because you start to over research, analyze and think things consistently, but this is where the work of developing Peatience can help you win each day!
Peatience (v) the act of developing a sense of overall inner peace while remaining patient when you are anxious and overwhelmed.
-Jake Trione
Where are you today compared to Yesterday?
You are most likely moving forward in some form or fashion with your goals and ambitions even though it may not feel like it and you need to remind yourself of this by creating a to do list and marking things off as you go. You can use digital tools to make your to-do lists but, I like to put pen to paper at least weekly and then check my 1-year digital planner monthly to see how my overall progress is going? This will offer you sense of relief to see that you are moving forward!
Time Moves at The Same Pace Each Day!
There is no reason to worry about time if you are creating a solid task list and getting things done. Your 12 hour day will always be a 12 hour day, but your tasks will only get done if you create the plan and prioritize. Instead of saying well I have to get this done in the next few hours or days. Only focus on the most important task from your to do list and complete it. This will help you to manage your energy more efficiently instead of clock watching and getting stressed all the time about the lack or hours in your day.
Believe in Your Mission and Your Self!
There literally are 1000 ways to do most anything and just because the way you thought it should be done at the pace you had prescribed isn’t reality doesn’t mean you are failing. You started working toward this goal and have put in a lot of effort to accomplish it, now trust that it will pay off in the long run. Are you seriously going to throw out years of effort and sacrifice and give up? No, you aren’t so take a deep breath, sit back down, and get to work enjoying the journey to success!
Internal Peace Found in the Natural World Around You
I consider it vitally important to be alone with your thoughts in nature on a consistent basis to center your emotions and to get a gauge of your internal rythms and desires. Getting caught up in the competition of the digital world or the corporate rat race will always leave you looking at others and their progress instead of your own progress and accomplishments. This is the #1 killer of peace and patience. Slowing down to gain an understanding of your current mental state and your long-term intentions will help you to remain at peace and apply your energy where it’s needed most. I usually do this with a daily walk, hike, meditation or prayer.
By focusing on your daily effort, executing on the small manageable tasks and remaining aware of your progress you will have no choice, but to forget about your overanalyzing and anxiousness and discover this highly elusive made up attribute I call Peatience!